Cloud 9 Morph hang gliding harness
Great care has been taken to build an assemble your Cloud 9 Morph harness.
It incorporates a double integral continuous loop of 2,000kg webbing, one for the seated position and one for prone. Leg loops are sewn around these, forming a completely secure webbing surround for the hips, legs and shoulders.
The shoulder, chest and thigh supports transfer weight via six 500 kg ropes.The main suspension setup consists of an integrated spreader bar system (with redundancy) and double 2,000kg polyester webbing on each side representing an enormous safety margin. Body material uses high quality UV-treated 600 denier rip stop polyester.
All webbing, rope, cloth and stitching is comprised of UV (ultra violet light) resistant polyester, however care should be taken to minimise unnecessary exposure to UV.
A Kinglock Finsterwalder 800 kg buckle secures the zip entry . Shoulder VG cleat is an alloy Clamcleat and the integrated spreader bar is preformed HT30 drawn aluminum.
All harnesses now come ready for the pod module bringing the advantages of an enclosed harness for in flight comfort.
Setup instructions
To get the optimum settings suited to your specific requirements for your harness the following procedure is recommended.
Cloud 9 STRONGLY RECOMMENDS setting up and practicing with your new harness BEFORE heading to a flying site.
Before flying
Cloud 9 recommends you are fully familiar with transitioning positions and other aspects of your new harness — be sure to check the videos that demonstrate the procedure. Practising hanging from your garage (or a local tree) extensively will go a long way to enjoying a great first experience with seated flying, and allows you to tweak the settings so it is just right by the time you're standing on launch.
Carefully suspend your old harness next to your new Cloud 9 Morph, then prepare it by checking the following items.
PLEASE NOTE, do not un-tie support rope knots unless you are 100% confident in correctly re-tying them.
Set hang height by adjusting support ropes (NOTE: if you have the Cloud 9 VG system installed, it should initially be fully slack):
Upright (standing) position — should be a similar height to standard stirrup harness.
Prone position (while suspended) — should be preferred distance to basebar.
Set seated position (while suspended) — set/change your default seated position by adjusting shoulder rope supports (and/or changing shoulder strap anchor points) to suite your preferred angle. Aim to get an even loading on each point: shoulder, chest and thigh.
Set stirrup length by loosening/tightening rope attachments.
The VG system can then further control your flying positions in flight.
Practice transitioning between seated and prone positions until you feel comfortable. Once you are fully satisfied all your settings are right for you, tape off the bowline knots with the dacron tape provided.
Fitting the chute panel
The chute panel allows you to mount the chute container in 4 orientations. For best access in all positions, Cloud 9 recommends the emergency reserve chute handle is facing downwards, such that deployment is possible from the front when seated. Routing of the bridle should be considered carefully (must have a an unimpeded routing to glider connection), and practising deployment from all positions is strongly recommended. Be check the tutorial video that covers this important subject.
Launching & landing for the first time
Launching and landing should not be significantly different to standard a stirrup harness.
First transitions in flight should be performed with plenty of altitude and without hurry. The glider should be nicely tuned for a standard 'hands-off' trim speed.
Transitioning back to prone is much easier, as the body natually pivots back thereby regaining your more familiar flying position.
Flying with your new Morph
Flying seated or supine requires a different set of muscles to coordinate effortlessly, and it takes a bit of time to establish new muscle memory.
Aside from practising extensively before flying, it is advised to get some airtime in easy conditions for your Cloud 9 Morph's maiden flight. But the glider still flies in exactly the way, even though your view of it and the Earth is quite different... you will likely find this new position strange, but easy to control.
Remember, you can just launch, fly and land the same as your prone harness — but don't expect to fly in strong thermals efficiently in a seated position until some hours of flying in this mode has been built up.
Once you've flown seated, you will likely want to fly seated again.
Basic specs standard size. weight 3kg
Pilot height 167 cm to 190
Clothed pilot chest and stomach 80 to 105